Showing posts with label Josh Duggar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Josh Duggar. Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Josh Duggar: let's read that first draft!

Josh Duggar's Apology: "I Have Been the Biggest Hypocrite Ever" [Updated]
Josh Duggar's Apology: "I Have Been the Biggest Hypocrite Ever" [Updated]

Thus, the abject, Jimmy-Swaggart-esque apology written by Josh Duggar's lawyers, before yet another lawyer edited the thing. Red-pencilled are the remarks that might be considered "litigious". In other words, too close to the truth.

Needless to say, Josh's little escapades led to TLC cancelling (after long and ratings-conscious deliberation) the wildly-popular paean to assembly-line babymaking in the Fundamentalist realm, 19 Kids and Counting.

So what will Josh do now? I think he ought to drag his sorry ass to jail for some serious time, but that won't happen. He'll twist things around so that if WE don't forgive him, there will be something wrong with us. We'll be choosing to hold bitterness in our hearts rather than surrender the whole icky mess to the Lord God Almighty and his sidekick, J. Christ.

But it's more likely TLC will choose to build another reality show around Josh. Shall we call it 19 Sins and Counting? 

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